It’s not uncommon to hop on a societal bandwagon every now and again. We buy clothes that we see our peers wear, listen to music on the top 100, and as journalists- well, we use the digital outlets that are trending to catch people’s attention and get our stories out there. From the printing press, to web 2.0, to the unimaginably vast amount of social platforms that exist on our smartphones today, it is no secret that technology is evolving right in front of our eyes. You know that, though. Journalist s are always looking for ways to engage the public at large. We want to make people more interested in the news. In spirit of talking about trends, I thought I would cultivate my own ‘listicle’ of upcoming potential trends in the world of digital journalism. So, here goes. 1. Restoring the public’s trust in the media in a world of fake news. We are already seeing a shift in ho...